Here’s how polls can revolutionize your sales incentive strategy

Why Excel falls short for managing Sales Incentives

Incentives and motivation go hand in hand in the sales world.

However, keeping a pulse on what truly drives your team can be a challenge. Enter polls—a dynamic tool that offers real-time insights into your team’s preferences, pain points, and motivational triggers.

In this blog, we’ll explore the power of polls in the sales process, highlighting how the innovative polls feature in My Incentives can transform your incentive programs.

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Why Polls Matter in Sales Incentives
Polls are more than just a way to gather opinions.
They provide actionable insights that can fine-tune your incentive programs, ensuring they are aligned with what genuinely motivates your team.
Here are a few specific scenarios where polls can make a significant impact:
Scenario 1: Understanding Sales Team Preferences
Imagine you’re planning the next quarter’s incentive program. You have a few ideas, but you’re unsure which ones will resonate most with your team.
Instead of guessing, you can use a poll to ask your team directly. This not only makes them feel valued but also increases the likelihood that your incentive program will be effective.
Example Poll Questions:
  • “Which type of reward motivates you the most? (Cash bonuses, extra vacation days, gift cards, etc.)”
  • “What non-monetary incentives would you like to see? (Recognition programs, flexible hours, etc.)”
Scenario 2: Gauging Reaction to New Initiatives
You’ve introduced a new sales tool or process, and you want to know how it’s being received. A quick poll can provide immediate feedback, helping you address any issues before they become widespread problems.
Example Poll Questions:
  • “How do you find the new CRM tool? (Very useful, somewhat useful, not useful)”
  • “Do you feel the new sales strategy is improving your performance? (Yes, No, Not sure)”
Scenario 3: Identifying Training Needs
Polls can help identify gaps in knowledge or skills, allowing you to tailor your training programs to meet the specific needs of your team.
Example Poll Questions:
  • “Which areas do you feel you need more training in? (Product knowledge, sales techniques, customer service, etc.)”
  • “How confident are you in using the new product features during sales pitches? (Very confident, somewhat confident, not confident)”
Scenario 4: Testing Sales and Product Knowledge
Polls can also be used to test your sales team’s knowledge on new products or sales techniques. This can help you understand where they stand and what areas need further improvement, ensuring they are always prepared and confident.
Example Poll Questions:
  • “How well do you understand the features of our new product? (Very well, somewhat, not well)”
  • “Rate your confidence in explaining the benefits of our new product to customers. (Very confident, somewhat confident, not confident)”
Features of My Incentives’ Polls Tool
The polls feature in My Incentives is designed to be flexible and powerful, making it easy to gather and act on feedback from your team. Here’s how some of the key features can add value to your incentive programs:
1. Targeted Polling
With My Incentives, you can create polls that are visible to all users or restrict them to specific departments, designations, or seniority levels.
This ensures that the feedback you receive is relevant and actionable.
Example Use Case: You’re launching a new product line and want feedback only from the sales team that will be directly involved in its rollout. By targeting your poll, you can get specific insights from the people who matter most.
2. Anonymity and Transparency
Polls can be kept anonymous, even for the admin, which encourages honest and open feedback. Additionally, you can choose to show the total number of respondents and either live results or final results at the end of the poll.
Example Use Case: You want to assess morale and gather suggestions for improvement without making anyone feel uncomfortable about their responses. An anonymous poll can provide a safe space for candid feedback.
3. Scheduling and Duration
You can schedule polls to run at specific times and set start and end dates. This feature is particularly useful for time-bound initiatives or regular check-ins.
Example Use Case: You want to run a weekly pulse check to gauge team sentiment and make quick adjustments as needed. By scheduling these polls, you ensure consistent and timely feedback.
4. Access Control
Access to managing polls is restricted to certain users, ensuring that the process remains organized and secure. There are two types of access: one where users can see all polls and another where they can only see the polls they have created.
Example Use Case: You want team leaders to create and manage their own polls without seeing or interfering with polls from other departments. This level of access control maintains privacy and autonomy.
Leveraging Polls for Better Incentives
Incorporating polls into your incentive programs can provide a wealth of benefits. Here’s how:
Enhancing Engagement
Polls give your team a voice in the incentive planning process, making them feel more involved and engaged. When employees see that their opinions are valued and acted upon, their motivation and commitment to achieving goals increase.
Data-Driven Decisions
With real-time insights from polls, you can make data-driven decisions that enhance the effectiveness of your incentive programs. Whether it’s adjusting reward types, addressing training needs, or tweaking sales strategies, having concrete data at your fingertips makes all the difference.
Continuous Improvement
Regular polling allows for continuous feedback, helping you to iterate and improve your incentive programs over time. This ensures that your initiatives remain relevant and effective, keeping your team motivated and your sales figures strong.
Polls are a powerful tool for gathering insights, engaging your team, and driving the success of your incentive programs. My Incentives’ robust polls feature takes this a step further by offering targeted, anonymous, and flexible polling options that fit seamlessly into your incentive strategy.
Ready to make your incentive programs more effective and engaging? Discover how My Incentives can transform the way you manage and motivate your team with our innovative polls feature.
“With its advanced automation, we’ve streamlined calculations and ensured our team members receive their incentives promptly. What’s truly remarkable is the real-time visibility it offers, empowering our employees to track their performance effortlessly.”
1. What are the benefits of using polls in incentive programs?
Polls provide valuable insights into what motivates your team, identify training needs, and gauge reactions to new initiatives. They enhance engagement by giving employees a voice, enabling data-driven decisions and continuous improvement in your incentive strategies.
2. How can polls help tailor incentive programs?
Polls allow you to gather specific feedback from your team, helping you understand their preferences and needs. This information can be used to customize rewards, identify preferred incentive types, and address any gaps in knowledge or satisfaction.
3. Can polls in My Incentives be targeted to specific groups?
Yes, My Incentives allows you to target polls to specific departments, designations, seniority levels, or even individual users through bulk upload. This ensures that the feedback you gather is relevant to the specific group you’re interested in.
4. How does My Incentives integrate with other business systems?
My Incentives automates the entire incentive management process, from data collection to reward disbursement. This reduces administrative tasks and allows you to focus on strategic initiatives.
5. Can I see a demo of how this feature works?

Yes, we offer a personalized proof of concept (POC) based on your data and metrics. This allows you to see firsthand how our Multiple KPI Tracking feature can revolutionize your sales team’s performance tracking and management.

Top 5 sales incentive software solutions

Ready to take your sales incentive program to the next level?

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“With its advanced automation, we’ve streamlined calculations and ensured our team members receive their incentives promptly. What’s truly remarkable is the real-time visibility it offers, empowering our employees to track their performance effortlessly.”

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1. What are the benefits of using polls in incentive programs?
Polls provide valuable insights into what motivates your team, identify training needs, and gauge reactions to new initiatives. They enhance engagement by giving employees a voice, enabling data-driven decisions and continuous improvement in your incentive strategies.
2. How can polls help tailor incentive programs?
Polls allow you to gather specific feedback from your team, helping you understand their preferences and needs. This information can be used to customize rewards, identify preferred incentive types, and address any gaps in knowledge or satisfaction.
3. Can polls in My Incentives be targeted to specific groups?
Yes, My Incentives allows you to target polls to specific departments, designations, seniority levels, or even individual users through bulk upload. This ensures that the feedback you gather is relevant to the specific group you’re interested in.
4. How does My Incentives integrate with other business systems?
My Incentives automates the entire incentive management process, from data collection to reward disbursement. This reduces administrative tasks and allows you to focus on strategic initiatives.
5. Can I see a demo of how this feature works?

Yes, we offer a personalized proof of concept (POC) based on your data and metrics. This allows you to see firsthand how our Multiple KPI Tracking feature can revolutionize your sales team’s performance tracking and management.

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